
Safety For All Consulting offers the following services (descriptions below):

  • Provide Respiratory Protection Training and Fit Testing per CSA Standard Z94.4-11
  • Perform Workplace Noise Conservation Surveys per CSA Standard Z107.56-13 Procedures for the Measuring of Occupational Noise Exposure.
  • Perform ergonomic assessments to address present discomfort and potential injuries. Recommendations are provided to address ergonomic concerns.
  • SFAC can perform Health Safety and Environment (HSE) audits for Certificate of Recognition (COR) program through Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association (SCSA).

Contact Cheryl by email or use the request form to find out how these services can benefit you and your workplace. 
Ergonomics Assessments
Assessments can be performed for an isolated physical injury/repeat concerns or for complete facility/plant overviews. Assessments include physical demand descriptions, risk analysis, proactive recommendations to prevent potential injuries, and a follow up to see results.
Health and Safety Audit
Reviews a program through checking documentation, performing interviews, and observing work activities. Recommendations will be provided to correct deficiencies and enhance the program.
Noise Surveys 
Safety For All Consulting will come to facility to perform noise level testing and provide a written report of the results, along with recommendations (if needed) to reduce noise levels or exposure time following Occupational Health and Safety guidelines/regulations. Follow up will assess effective of “action taken” results or if further action is required.

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